
Robert Santosa Inducted As A New Fellow Of Academy of Dentistry International

Robert Santosa traveled to Adelaide to be inducted into the prestigious Academy of Dentistry International (ADI) this week. This accomplishment is awarded to nominees who are truly outstanding and epitomize excellence in the dental community. According to the ADI's website, a Fellowship in the Academy of Dentistry International is a distinctive honour that is bestowed only if the accomplishments of the nominee are truly outstanding. In order to maintain the stature of the Fellowship, the Academy's Committee on Credentials and Fellowship studies and evaluates each nominee.

Membership is by invitation to those dentists who have distinguished themselves in the dental profession. ADI includes in its membership many outstanding individuals in the dental profession who have a desire to give back a portion of what they have reaped.

The ADI's mission statement is: "The Academy of Dentistry International is the international honour society for dentists dedicated to sharing knowledge in order to serve the dental health needs and to improve the quality of life of people throughout the world. Through the development of fellowship and understanding, the Academy endeavours to create opportunities for service in order to assist in the establishment of a world at peace."

Robert is honoured to have been chosen to be inducted as a Fellow for this incredible organization. He looks forward to actively participating, learning and growing from its resources and from his new peers in the Academy.

More information on the Academy here.

Membership in Specialist Dental Practice from the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeon (MRACDS)

Dr Robert Santosa has attained Membership in Specialist Dental Practice from the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeon or MRACDS (Pros) in short. The title is granted in recognition of a candidate's standing as a specialist in Prosthodontics.

The Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons (RACDS) is a postgraduate professional education college established in 1965 to provide a broad range of activities to enhance the professional development of both general and specialist dentists through individually actioned studies and examinations which lead to Membership or Fellowship of the College.

RACDS members and fellows are engaged in research studies through our Education Board and Boards of Studies in general and specialist dental practice. The RACDS have conjoint arrangements with four of Australia’s top University dental schools.



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